
If you’re like me, social media amounts to little more than cat videos and distracted conversations—but we’d be in the minority. A majority of Americans now say they get their news via social media and while that might sound alarming to some, hyper-connectivity does have its benefits.  More and more people are using social media to communicate, organize, advocate, and build a sense of community. In 2016, 78 percent of people in the U.S. had a social media profile and Hampton is following suit with 71 percent of our workforce reporting to use social media at least occasionally. Whether you love it or hate it, social media is here to stay.

Hampton has had a Facebook page since 2012 but it’s only within the past year that we’ve invested time and resources into enhancing our online presence. Having a more active online profile is a great step forward for the company but it’s the engagement of our friends and employees that really breathes life into online communications and tells the story of what the wood products industry is and could become.  Hampton’s people have always been the company’s most valuable asset and with social media, we can all be some of its most effective advocates as well.

Does all this mean you can you expect to see a Zika Tweetstorm in the near future?  Probably not. But you will see more frequent posts on our Facebook page and a new company presence on Instagram and Twitter.  If you haven’t already, I encourage you to find us on these sites.  You also might want to check out the pages of the partner organizations listed below, many of which regularly post valuable information, photos, and videos that can be used to help spread the word about what makes our industry great. For those of you who are old school and don’t care to engage in social media, be sure to check out our new Hampton Lumber website, which will also be updated regularly with new content.

Hampton Lumber
Facebook: @HamptonLumber
Twitter: @HamptonLumberCo
Instagram: HamptonLumber

Oregon Forest Resources Institute
Facebook: @OregonForestResourcesInstitute
Twitter: @ORForests

Oregon Tree Talk
Facebook: @OregonForestandIndustriesCouncil
Twitter: @OregonTreeTalk

Washington’s Working Forests
Facebook: @WAWorkingForests

Council of Forest Industries (COFI) (Canada)
Twitter: @COFI_INFO

Healthy Forests, Healthy Communities
Facebook: @healthyforestshealthycommunities
Twitter: @HealthyForests1

American Forest Resources Council
Facebook: @AmericanForestResourceCouncil
Twitter: @amforest_org

Forest Business Network
Facebook: @forestbusinessnetwork
Twitter: @forestbusiness

Softwood Lumber Board
Twitter: @LumberBoard

Steve Zika
CEO, Hampton Lumber